Booking now open for our CLICK sessions - Davies Tracey - Accountants in Tees Valley
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Booking now open for our CLICK sessions

September 2018

In addition to individual support from account managers, we have designed events to support our clients, local businesses and individuals in the transition to Making Tax Digital (MTD) – HMRC’s plan for easier tax returns, with effect from 1st April 2019. Booking is now open.

These 90 minute sessions will:

  • Explain the advantages of digital record keeping
  • Explore each aspect of CLICK – our simple way of remembering key information on MTD
  • Ensure you understand your obligations under MTD
  • Allow attendees to interact with recommended software
  • Share the experiences of clients already using cloud accounting
  • Answer any relevant questions

With several key members of the Davies Tracey team present, these sessions are sure to leave attendees ready to adapt to the changes of digital VAT records.

Book online to secure your preferred date:

November 2018 Tuesday 6th November: 8:30 – 10am
Thursday 15th November: 4.30 – 6pm
Tuesday 20th November: 4.30 – 6pm
Thursday 29th November: 8:30 – 10am

February 2019 Tuesday 5th February: 8:30 – 10am
Tuesday 12th February: 4.30 – 6pm
Thursday 21st February: 8:30 – 10am
Thursday 28th February: 4.30 – 6pm

Further information, including booking link, can be found on our event flyer here.


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