Coronavirus Event - now live - Davies Tracey - Accountants in Tees Valley
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Coronavirus Event – now live

26th March 2020

Here at Davies Tracey we always aim to ensure that our clients receive the best possible advice, and so last week we teamed up with Avensure to host a free event relevant to businesses at risk due to the Coronavirus outbreak.

The demand for places was high, and as such we are pleased to share a video recording of this hour-long session below, for you to watch at your convenience if you missed out.

You will see Russell Smith, Senior Consultant from Avensure, suggest tools to ensure business continuity and explore possible crisis management strategies, should they become necessary for you.

Click here for Part 1Risk Assessments, Lay Off / Short Time Working v Redundancy, Variation of Contractual Terms

Click here for Part 2Changes to Job Descriptions, Flexible Working Requests, Expected Issues

Click here for Part 3 Discrimination and the risk of Tribunal, Directors and Owners taking ill, Day One Requirements

At the event the Davies Tracey  team answered any related questions that required payroll or accountancy expertise. We are of course still on hand to do so – please call us on 01642 606003.


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